1. What was the last movie you saw in a theater?
It was either Seven Pounds or Yes Man
2. What is your favorite movie theater snack?
Popcorn duh! I like to get the kids combo that comes with popcorn, a drink, and candy.
3. Have you ever snuck in 'outside' food into a theater?
Of course. Them theatre food prices are expensive so I gotta take matters into my own hands.
4. Have you ever made out in a theater?
Who me? Yes. lol
5. What is the 'farthest' you have gone in a theater?
Um, Im not one for public privateness so not much more than kissing ;)
Bonus (as in optional): What is one of your favorite movie sex scene?
Hmmmm. Not many come to mind so Ima say any movie with Denzel Washington in it. Wink wink. lol
Courtney why you so God damn boring with this blog shit...girl you need to write about what goes on underneath the sheets. Although I would like not to hear about it but hey man this boring shit ends here bro
Whatever dude. Don't read it then.
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