Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Catch Up

As usual I'm behind on my posts. I could say I'll try to keep them current but id be lying. No new developments in my life really. I went to my boyfriends over the weekend. We didn't do much cuz it was cold and it snowed. I'm not complaining too much though because I honestly do just like his company and waking up next to him. It feels good. More on that later. In other news my aunt's birthday was Thursday. I called and said happy birthday and she asked the usual questions. While throwing in that she was praying for m...uh thanks. I mean how are you supposed to take that. It's not bad but she must feel I'm doing something to where I need prayer. In saying that I have noticed that I feel more connected to Sauda's family than I do my own. I feel like I can be myself with them. With my family I feel like I'm on pins and needles because they're always judging me. I mean that could show that they care but I don't know. Now, school I'm getting sick of it. I want a break to regroup. So far I think I'm handling my 18 hours pretty well but I just want to be done and graduated. I'm taking 2 classes over the summer and next fall I'm taking 18 hours which will consist of mammology, genetics, comparative anatomy, experimental psychology, industrial psychology, and social dance. I will definitely need to focus. Back to the issue at hand. Ok so I proposed the idea that my boyfriend and I should abstain from sex for a year. As you can imagine he expressed his unwillingness to participate in such an offer. But I really want to try. I mean what can it hurt? The relationship? Then it wasn't meant to be. I want a new mindset in life, I'm ready for change. I want to be a better person.


Jessica said...

Thats what Im talking about! I think its a good idea. I know how you felt/feel about it anyway (I think) so yea what can it hurt? Props on that one.

By far the best of your posts, but dang did it have to be one long ass paragraph?!

WordSnMotioN21 said...

Lol loser yes it had to be one paragraph I mean when the creative juices start flowing....