As usual, you know how I roll. Late on my posts, oh well lets get into it.
Well on April 30 I came home from school for the summer. My grades were good. 4A's and 2B's. I'm proud of myself. I'm also taking 3 classes this summer that start in June.
On May 1st my boyfriend proposed to me. I was really suprised because the weekend before he told me that he went to get me a ring but his credit wasn't good enough so he didn't get it. Well that was a lie. He told me all his coworkers and everything knew. But anyways, I was at his house unsuspectingly. I go in his room and sit in the chair. He tells me to close my eyes(thats when I start getting nervous) I then feel him slide a ring on my finger. Right, then I'm thinking no this is a joke because he didn't get the ring. He tells me to open my eyes and low and behold there it is plain as day.
He then asks the question, "Will you marry me?". I paused for a moment. A few words were exchanged about where the ring came from but in the end I said,"Yes". He gave me a hug and we proceeded to go on with our day as usual. I sent pics to my friends and some family who offered their congrats. Yet, I still had to tell my Aunt and Uncle. I was kind of uneasy about it because I didn't know how they would react. I did tell my Aunt and she reacted better than I thought. She told me congrats and talked about an engagement party. We don't plan to get married until after I graduate and find a job probably late next summer.
Yesterday was Mother's Day. My fiancee' and I were going to go to
church but I woke up more than an hour late. Instead we went to his mother's job and chilled there for a while. She gave us free food. He got her some pajamas and some M&M's for mother's day. Afterwards, we went back to his house for a little alone time. At 3 we had to be back at my house do that when could go to dinner with my Aunt. We got there almost exactly at 3 but had to wait for my cousin Jasmine to come home from school. She finally arrived and we drive to Applebees. Once there we gave my aunt her present which consisted of a few roses, ballons, a gospel mix, and a poetry book that we were suppose to each contribute poems to from this site but not everyone participated. Yet and still she seemed happy with her gifts. From there the plan was to go to my cousin Micah's basketball game but Sauda (my fiancee') and I decided to go back to his house to spend time with his mother. I stayed at his house until it was time to go home.
Well on April 30 I came home from school for the summer. My grades were good. 4A's and 2B's. I'm proud of myself. I'm also taking 3 classes this summer that start in June.
On May 1st my boyfriend proposed to me. I was really suprised because the weekend before he told me that he went to get me a ring but his credit wasn't good enough so he didn't get it. Well that was a lie. He told me all his coworkers and everything knew. But anyways, I was at his house unsuspectingly. I go in his room and sit in the chair. He tells me to close my eyes(thats when I start getting nervous) I then feel him slide a ring on my finger. Right, then I'm thinking no this is a joke because he didn't get the ring. He tells me to open my eyes and low and behold there it is plain as day.

Yesterday was Mother's Day. My fiancee' and I were going to go to

That day read eventful. Still wish we could have kicked it old school yo...
oh yea...I almost for got. Congrats on the life changing business.
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