Sunday, June 20, 2010


I feel I am growing as a individual. I am learning things about myself and how to change them. I am learning from the people in my life. I'm thankful for the people in my life. I feel like I am truly growing into an adult. I am learning how to forgive. Some things that in the past that have kept me from seeing the impact certain people have made in my life are no longer issues. From my fiancee' I'm learning to be selfless instead of selfish. The thing I really love about him is how it seems like he gives wholeheartedly. It almost amazes me. Truly. It seems like he always puts others before himself. This is something I have yet to master. I need to learn to be concerned for others more than myself. From him I am also learning how to love someone else. From him I am learning the importance of family. I'm learning forgiveness. For example it's father's day and my father has not been around since I was younger. I'm not at the point where I can totally forgive him but I feel like I am starting to not use it as a source of anger or of not caring. I'm starting to look at things from a different angle. It's a continual process. Growth.

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