Tuesday, January 20, 2009


1. Have you ever dated/married purely for money?
Nope all the people I dated were broke. Just kidding.
2. What is your type?
I don't really have a type. I usually like the good guys with an occasional bad guy peppered in here and there. ;)
3. What is the best sex game you have ever played?
Um just one? Nope can't do it.
4. Have you ever given or received an orgasm from a person whose last name you did not know?
No way jose'!
5. Have you ever masturbated in front of a sexual partner?
Why...yes, yes I have.
Bonus (as in optional):At what age do you think men and women reach their sexual peak? Do you think you have hit yours yet?
I don't think there is a specific age. Me? Heck naw I ain't even close to reaching mines.


Jessica said...

Well Well Well. Look who decided to make an appearance.

1..No kidding around there. They were all broke.
5..Really? Im flabbergasted. (Youre still a Square)

WordSnMotioN21 said...

Lol don't be flabbergasted. I do more than you think(that sounds wrong) but it's true. No squares over here.