Monday, August 14, 2006

Road Trip?

Im back again tryin this out.
Today so far has been pretty boring. Im tryin to get some college stuff figured out. I dont think the reality that Im leavin has hit me yet. My friend Shenell just told me about this road trip to North Carolina( to see one of her family members) that her and a couple homies were planning. I want to go but school starts August 28 and they tryin to leavin Sept. 4 and be gone 5 days so we'll be back on the 10th or the 11th. There is also this problem of my parental units giving me permission to go cuz see im 18 but they still feel they should tell me what to do. I'm not goin to have anyone tellin me what to do when I go off to college so might as well get used to it now. So anyways I emailed one of my advisors about if I could start a semester later or just leave and come back. she hasn't emailed me back yet so I'll see what happens.

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