Tuesday, August 25, 2009

TMI Tuesday #201

TMI Tuesday #201
1. Do you have "your" side of the bed? Which side?
I think I mostly lay on the left side.

2. How old is your pillow and what condition is it in?
Not too old. Like 2 years. Pretty good condition

3. What is your favorite position to sleep in?
Fetal position

4. How often do you change your sheets?
As often as I see fit. Maybe once or twice a month.

5. What helps you fall asleep when insomnia strikes?
Reading, Movies

6. Does sex make you sleepy or energized?

7. What is the minimum amount of sleep that you need to be functional the next day.
I think 4 hours probably less.

Bonus (as in optional):Describe your most vivid dream.
When I was younger I had a pee dream. The vivid part was that I actually peed in real life. Now I always use the bathroom before i go to bed. lol