Friday, November 13, 2009


Ok, I can be quick tempered sometimes but I know that under these circumstances this is not the case. The circumstances in question you ask? My roommates. One of which I've known since elementary but I digress...
Now, I am not the cleanest or most neat freaked person in the world. But I do like to have some kind of order in my surroundings. This is where the "mates" come in. They seem to have no concept of picking up after yourself. Needless to say there are countless empty pop bottles, school books, homework papers, plastic bags, clothes, and clumps of hair and other unidentified food-like objects strewn across the living room. Not to mention the countless amounts of full trash bags in a heap behind the door to my actual room. Disgusted yet? I haven't even started on the bathroom. The toilet is slowly turning brown, inside the shower razors on the floor and a pile on the shelf along with a piece of soap. And even that's not all but for the sake of time I'll get to the point.
As you can imagine one can't live like this. So.... in a fit of rage. I took out all the trash in my room and the living room, cleaned the bathroom (including the nasty toilet), and vacuumed the floor. This I felt was sufficient enough for now.
What I don't understand is how they ("the mates") can live like that. It is utterly ridiculous. We are grown around here and we can't even put something in the trash or clean something up? And, we're all girls at that, usually the cleaner sex. It frustrates me so because it's so simple. It makes me not even want to see them. Their presence just frustrates me. Then there personalities irritate me sometimes. I don't care about all your homework or whatever the fuck you think is important. Don't ask me what I'm eating, watching, or listening to. Don't get loud and hyper at night ...go to sleep....and I hope it's the long one (that's not right I apologize) but they really drive me to that edge sometimes. Although, there still maybe a ray of hope yet...........
My roommate might not come back next semester so that means I have the room to myself. On the other hand though my other roommate will still be here complaining. I don't want to have to be the only one who has sense enough to clean. And it's looks like I might actually being staying up here this weekend and not going to my fiancees house know what that means. UGH! And speaking of fiancee' he has been making me mad lately. It's whatever if you don't care, I don't. But that's another story entirely.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Ha Ha! I feel you on all of that.