Friday, April 2, 2010


Molly's is the club at my school that everyone goes to. It's crackin on Thursdays. So I went yesterday. As usual I got my drinks and hit the floor. This particular night was kind of special because our friends had just turned 19 so it was their first time being able to go. The night started off kind of slow until I started feeling the drinks. I was dancing and not having a care in the world. At the end of the night I had danced with 5 dudes an all time high for me. One of the dudes included FINE. Now this whole semester we've went to Mollys and never danced together. I was off in a corner adjusting myself and taking off my shoes (so if any future prospects approached I could get down). FINE says, "Come here Courtney" and I was happy to oblige. I turned around and we danced for a song that seemed too short.

I just want to take this moment to say that FINE does some things to me that I can't explain. I just see him and I think dirty thoughts. He makes me wish I was single again.

Any who, we finished dancing and I went about my business. The club ended and we tried to find an after party. The one we heard about ended up being wack so we went back to the room. Getting in at around 2:30am.
In the morning I woke up for my eight o'clock class and was barely tired.

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