Tuesday, December 1, 2009

TMI Tuesday #215

TMI Tuesday #215

1. What are your feelings about traditional bachelor/bachelorette parties?
I think I'm mostly ok with the traditional as long as it's not too crazy. I don't want a stripper molesting me though. And certain body parts are not touching my face. Don't ask me to do weird things. I mean just don't cross the line.

2. Do you wear (or not wear) something special to bed/dress differently when you want to have sex?
Um usually when I'm with my fiancee' the less I wear to bed. Sex or not.

3. Do you ever fake orgasms?
Maybe in a past life lol just kidding.

4. Do you own any leather or rubber clothing?
No...not yet ..;)

5. On a scale from 1-10, how willing are you to do something in bed you don't want to just because you are asked?
Um 4 or 5. I mean I like to try new things but it depends on what it is.

Bonus: Can men and women be "just friends?"
The question that has plagued mankind for centuries lol. I think they can remain friends even though one may have an attraction to the other.

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